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Genano Hospital and Dental Care Concept

Modular solutions fit any room-specific needs


Electric Duct Filter and Stand-alone unit


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Duct Filter cleans impurities of all sizes from the incoming air. 

Genano stand-alone purifier ensures contaminants within the room will be eliminated by capturing particles from the room air.


Stand-alone unit with positive pressure installation to prevent impurities entering the room: 

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With a positive pressure kit, the stand-alone unit can be connected to the existing ventilation system for creating a positive pressure into the room, while removing airborne contaminants from the incoming air.
Another stand-alone unit can be placed in the room to circulate the air within the room, to ensure the best result.

Stand-alone unit with negative pressure installation to ensure contaminants won’t spread outside the room:


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With a negative pressure kit, the stand-alone unit can be connected to the existing ventilation system for creating a negative pressure into the room, while removing the airborne contaminants from the air.


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Application areas for example: Dental practices, dental technician laboratories, waiting rooms, staff rooms.


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