Genano’s industrial solutions ensure clean air in and out. Our technology provides healthy air to indoor environments from welding halls to logistics, widely used to remove dust and oil mist for the safety and wellbeing of staff, reducing cleaning costs and improving product quality.
VOC emission control becomes more cost efficient with Genano VOC series – state-of-the-art compact catalytic VOC and odor abatement systems. The technology in use lowers costs and carbon footprint significantly as the innovative VOC abatement requires much lower temperatures compared to traditional thermal oxidation. It fulfills the requirements of the EU VOC directive.
Elixair by Genano® duct filters prevent microbes and other small particles entering isolation rooms, patient rooms, laboratories, dental practices and other hygienic areas from ventilation. As exposure to outdoor air pollution, such as asphalt dust, traffic pollutants, pollen and various emissions rises, the need for purifying the incoming replacement air increases. Because of the electric filtering technology, there will be no pressure drop unlike with clogging fiber filters, and therefore energy consumption in the building decreases. Cost savings can also be achieved due to the lack of changeable fiber filters.