With patented Genano® technology, we manufacture air decontamination devices, that can filter as small as 3 nanometer sized particles from indoor air. As indoor air impurities are captured into the unit, all particles and living microbes, such as viruses and bacteria, are eliminated, resulting in increased health and well-being of staff, patients and customers. With the active carbon filter, the Genano air decontamination units also remove harmful gaseous compounds and smells. The units maintain constant high purification performance as there are no easily clogged, replaceable fiber filters and the units have an automatic self washing system.
Elixair by Genano® duct filters prevent microbes and other small particles entering isolation rooms, patient rooms, laboratories, dental practices and other hygienic areas from ventilation. As exposure to outdoor air pollution, such as asphalt dust, traffic pollutants, pollen and various emissions rises, the need for purifying the incoming replacement air increases. Because of the electric filtering technology, there will be no pressure drop unlike with clogging fiber filters, and therefore energy consumption in the building decreases. Cost savings can also be achieved due to the lack of changeable fiber filters.